Brotherhood of Saints: Daily Guidance and Inspiration

published by Franciscan Media | Trade Paperback | 384 pages
$ 18.99
In this page-a-day book, Melanie Rigney gives us a panoply of widely known and more obscure saints who show the way to be better disciples of Christ. They offer compelling examples of how to meet the challenges of daily life, be strengthened in your faith, and become the man God created you to be.Stock #: B53305

Customer Reviews

Based on 11 reviews
Patricia Holland

I have been a lover of the Saints from childhood!
My parents were always mentioning one or another and invoking their help, guidance and friendship! My Dad mentioned one I didn’t know and I asked who he was, my mistake or as I like to think of it—a world full of love, history and strength! Dad handed me an encyclopedia of the Saints and said, “look him up!” It was St. Thomas Aquinas and my “love affair” with the Saints was born! I get my hands on many Saints books, and my husband & kids just shake their heads! I’ve read Brotherhood of Saints all the way thru, I can’t tell you how much I love it! I don’t keep my Saints to myself, they are for sharing! In the morning I send my 6 brothers & sisters, their spouses and families Saint of the day! It has brought us together in such a different way, thru our Faith! I’ve been adding one from Brotherhood of Saints every few days and our conversations have increased! We have always been a close family, but this last year I’ve been sending out the Saints to all of us has been a solidifying addition! Brotherhood of Saints has been a beautiful addition to our days!
God bless and keep your Angels & Saints with you always! Patty Holland

Brotherhood of Saints: Daily Guidance and Inspiration?

I would have preferred a index or contents, but I enjoyed it for inspiration and guidance and I would like to have had it before I began preparing my Confirmande last year.

Richard Costello
Today’s Heroes

With no one to admire today in politics, sports or entertainment, I start each day with a new Hero drawn from the ranks of the saints. This book is an excellent replacement for the mass media and its collection of circus clowns. True Heroes are blessed, not promoted.

Robert Sadowski


Bill Kearns

I enjoyed the book of St Francis and his 7 trachings by Father Murray Bodo. It gave me direction in my life as a disciple of Jesus Christ

"Melanie Rigney loves almost nothing better than listening to the saints and sharing their stories. In addition to Brotherhood of Saints (and Sisterhood of Saints), her books include Radical Saints: 21 Women for the 21st Century and Blessed Are You: Finding Inspiration from Our Sisters in Faith (both Franciscan Media). She also writes for Living Faith, CatholicMom, and other Catholic blogs and publications. Learn more about Melanie at"

Product Type:  Book

Item Number:  #B53305

ISBN:  9781632533050

Publication Date:  10/23/2020

BISAC:  RELIGION/Christianity/Saints & Sainthood

Imprint:  Franciscan Media

Trim Size:  139.7 mm X 190.5 mm X 30.988 mm
(Approx. 5.5 in X 7.5 in X 1.18 in X )

Pages:  384

List Price:  $ 18.99