The Audacity of the Saints
You love St. Augustine, St. Magdalene, these souls to whom “many sins were forgiven because they loved much.” I love them too, I love their repentance, and especially…their loving audacity! When I see Magdalene walking up before the many guests, washing with her tears the feet of her adored Master, whom she is touching for the first time, I feel that her heart has understood the abysses of love and mercy of the Heart of Jesus, and, sinner though she is, this Heart of love was not only disposed to pardon her but to lavish on her the blessings of His divine intimacy, to lift her to the highest summits of contemplation. — From a letter to Abbé Maurice Bellière (member, Missionaries of Africa) | June 1897
—from the book The Way of Simple Love: Inspiring Words from Therese of Lisieux by Father Gary Caster