Thank God Ahead of Time: The Life and Spirituality of Solanus Casey

published by Franciscan Media | Trade Paperback | 282 pages
$ 21.99
Appointed by the Vatican as the “External Collaborator to the Relator” for the cause of canonization of Capuchin Father Solanus Casey, the first man born in the United States to be declared “Venerable” by the Catholic church, Michael Crosby gives us an inspiring and insightful story of one person’s unswerving faith in God’s abiding presence throughout the universe. Item# B16919
MICHAEL CROSBY, O.F.M. CAP., lives in community with other friars in a downtown Milwaukee parish that serves the urban poor, homeless and marginalized. His ministry attempts to develop a spirituality of discipleship for U.S. and other “First World” Catholics, primarily through corporate reform and church reform. He gives retreats, workshops and parish missions and is author of seventeen books. Visit his Web site

Product Type:  Book

Item Number:  #B16919

ISBN:  9780867169195

Publication Date:  5/4/2009

BISAC:  RELIGION/Christianity/Catholic

Imprint:  Franciscan Media

Trim Size:  139.7 mm X 215.9 mm X 17.526 mm
(Approx. 5.5 in X 8.5 in X 0.67 in X )

Pages:  282

List Price:  $ 21.99