Sisterhood of Saints: Daily Guidance and Inspiration

published by Franciscan Media | Trade Paperback | 384 pages
$ 21.99
In this page-a-day book for women, Melanie Rigney gives us a wellspring of interesting and diverse female saints who aptly show the way to be better disciples of Christ. Through their lives and experiences, we find examples of how to meet the challenges of daily life, be strengthened in our faith, and, in the process, become the people God created us to be. Item# B36617
Melanie Rigney is a freelance religion writer who also works as a marketing writer for the federal government. She is the coauthor of When They Come Home: Ways to Welcome Returning Catholics, and a contributor to Living Faith magazine and Your Daily Tripod, a Catholic blog. She is a member of the National Council of Catholic Women and the Catholic Writers’ Guild, and is active in the Cursillo movement.

Product Type:  Book

Item Number:  #B36617

ISBN:  9781616366179

Publication Date:  7/11/2013

BISAC:  RELIGION/Christianity/Saints & Sainthood

Imprint:  Franciscan Media

Trim Size:  139.7 mm X 190.5 mm X 31.75 mm
(Approx. 5.5 in X 7.5 in X 1.22 in X )

Pages:  384

List Price:  $ 21.99